Saturday 7 January 2017

Welcome to Fab from '56

Hello, and welcome to my first blog post from "Fab from '56". I'm Liz and yes I'm shock horror 60! Shock because I always thought 60 was old.......... yes even until I was 59! 

But do you know what - I'm actually ok now I've got here. 

So as with all good things, lets have a little background about how I got to 60. 

  • Aged 10 - Daddy had died and Mum had re-married. I was in a new school, new area and no friends & quickly labelled as the 'posh kid' because I didn't swear, drink or smoke. Yes at 10! (oh how that was to change as I grew up!!) It was that kind of school in that kind of area! 
  • Aged 20 - Married for 3 years with one child and one on the way (yep - married at 16!!)
  • Aged 30 - Married with one beautiful son, our second cherished daughter had been born with Cerebral Palsey and died at the age of 8 months. I was working full time and life was a blur 
  • Aged 40 - Our beautiful son had flown the nest and there was a great deal of naval gazing as I started to re-assess where I was in life and what did I want - especially as my darling Mum had died
  • Aged 50 - I was in a new relationship, in a new town and a new career. Hurtling towards a divorce I could never have envisaged!
  • Aged 60 - 1 new Husband, 2 gorgeous grandchildren and I'm happy, settled and finally I've found the peace and love I had craved
There you go - a potted version! Now you only have to look at the lines on my face to know there's much more to all of that, but it gives you a fair idea of the life I've seen and lived. 

So at about 55, I realised I was probably going to get to the ripe age of 60 and I started dreading it! I mean really dreading it!! It didn't matter how much tosh I read about 60 being the new 50 - it meant nothing to me. 

I ate too much, I certainly drank too much and gradually slipped into a wallowing self induced coma of self pity. Then something major happened to me last year. It was pointed out to me I might not see 60 if I kept that lifestyle up and suddenly I realised I WANTED to be 60!!! Also 70, 80 and 90 - if possible thank you God. 

So out went the rubbish food, out went the booze.  In came the walking, the trips to a clinical hypnotherapist (the lovely Nick) to sort out the food issues and I started to look forward to being 60 as my health reflected better choices! 

So - that's me! The Black and White photo is from the very talented Carolyn Seager who made me look quite sexy (so my Husband says) thanks in part to the great make-up from Carole Lacy and the photo at the top of this blog is from Martyn Norsworthy who has captured the me that most people see, and as my Husband said "oh yes - I like this one!". I like them both - I think they are both me! By the way, I should say neither are 'airbrushed' I've earned those lines! 

Also, I'm quite normal - I've always lived in a rented Council property till I/we could afford a house 5 years ago, I used to know what was in my purse to the last penny and whilst thats not the case now I'm certainly not wealthy but I'm vaguely comfortable. I know that being 60 with no family or no job or poor health is not fun - I hope though that this blog will appeal to all women. 

So! What will I be blogging, face booking and twittering about? Not quite sure yet - but I'm thinking a bit of beauty, a bit of health, perhaps some serious stuff and maybe just a bit of chat! 

Please let me know what YOU would like to see in it and above all - enjoy the energy I put into it. 


Liz x